Tickets / Admission

If I want to attend multiple days, what should I purchase for admission?

An Ultimate Bouncer Pass allows for as many visits to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum as one desires for an entire year.

Does the Ultimate Bouncer Pass pass include the 40 days and 40 nights?


Is a separate ticket needed for the concert?

No. Your Ark Encounter Admission covers the concerts.

Are there group accommodations and rates?

Yes, there is for a group of 15 or more paying guests. Visit ArkEncounter.com/groups for more information or call (855) 284-3275 and press 4.

General Event / Program

What time are the concerts?

All major event concerts start at 4 PM daily.

What time should I arrive?

The Ark Encounter attraction parking lot will open at 8:30 AM Monday-Saturday and at 12:30 AM on Sunday. Shuttles from the parking lot into the park will begin running 30 minutes after the entrance to the parking lot opens. Please plan for at least 30 minutes or more to transition from the parking area to the Answers Center.

What time do auditorium doors open?

Auditorium doors open 30 minutes before concert start time.

Are the concerts the same?

Each concert and performance will be unique.

Where can I view a full schedule of artists and speakers?

View Full Festival Schedule

How long are the programs?

Approximately 2-3 hours. The programs consist of both the artists’ performance and a speaker presentation.

What if only part of my bus group wants to attend the concerts?

Guests are free to choose how they spend their time while at the Ark Encounter attraction.


How can I ensure I will have a seat?

Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open to the auditorium 30 minutes before the program starts.

How much seating is available?

The Ark Encounter auditorium holds over 2,000 seats.

Will there be overflow seating?

There is no overflow seating.

Will I be able to rent an ECV (scooter)/mobility assistance device upon arrival?

Scooters and wheelchairs are rented on a first-come, first-served basis. They will be available upon arrival at the Answers Center. If you prefer, you may bring your own wheelchair or scooter, but additional time may be needed for the bus shuttle to accommodate assisted boarding.

Is there accessible seating available?

Yes, the Answers Center seating will include areas for scooters and wheelchair seating.

Is it possible to bring my scooter into the Answers Center auditorium?

Scooter and mobility assistance device seating areas will be available in the auditorium.

Other Information

What other activities will be available during the day?

Engaging Ark Encounter daily programs such as live speaker presentations and live animal programs will be available during the morning.

Will other food options be available, besides Emzara’s Kitchen?

Yes, additional options will be available at multiple locations around the Ark Encounter site.

Will food options be available after the concert?

Some limited food and beverage options will be available onsite, including Emzara's Kitchen.

Where should I stay during my visit?

Find information on Ark Encounter partner hotels and unique stays on the website.

I have other questions about the Ark Encounter?

Learn more by visiting the Ark Encounter Helpful Tips & FAQ page.

40 Days Of Christian Music


P O Box 15969
Wilmington, NC 28408



1 Ark Encounter Drive
Williamstown, KY 41097

The entrance is just west of the
intersection of KY-36 and I-75 at exit 154.

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All Rights Reserved • Designed By MEYERS